
In Tribute

Mervyn C Alleyne (2016)

Mervyn Alleyne's international significance as a Caribbean scholar and linguist cannot be captured in a simple listing of his academic achievements. Not only was he a scholar who brought important new ideas to debates in the study of creole languages, but he also inspired and encouraged many others and acted as role model and mentor for younger linguists.

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John Holm (2015)

John Holm's early work as a scholar focused on the creole languages of the Caribbean and their structural links to the Niger-Congo languages spoken by the region's slaves. While still in graduate school, he presented an influential paper proposing a historical relationship between Gullah and Jamaican creoles and informal African-American speech, known to linguists as black vernacular. Among other things, he noted that all three drop verbs in certain contexts, turning a statement like “He is angry,” for example, into "He angry."

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Thomas B. Klein (2014)

(November 2014)

Thomas B. Klein, PhD, was an associate professor in writing and linguistics at Georgia Southern University. As a professional linguist he specialized in the linguistics of Gullah/Geechee, Creole languages, and Chamorro, the indigenous language of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. He worked extensively with the modern Gullah/Geechee communities of South Carolina and Georgia to translate Turner's original recordings. He was the author of numerous articles in the area of Gullah/Geechee studies and published Simplicity and Complexity in Creoles and Pidgins with Nicholas Faraclas (2009).

Professor S R Richard Allsopp (2009)

Richard Allsopp served as the second President of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics from 1976 to 1978, and was elected an Honorary Member of the Society in 1994. His last SCL publication was The Case for Afrogenesis and The Afrogenesis of Caribbean Creole Proverbs (OP Nos. 33 & 34, July 2006), edited by his former student and SCL Past President, John Rickford.

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Tributes prior to 2009

Dennis R. Craig (29 February 2004), University of Guyana and University of the West Indies
Robert B. LePage (12 January 2006), University of York
Frederic Cassidy (14 June 2000), First President of the SCL, founder of DARE
Douglas M. Taylor


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